December's Entrepreneur: Chidi, CEO of Proud to be African Clothing

Chidi, is the CEO of urban clothing line Proud to be African Clothing. Proud to be African features simple designs by African artists and graphic designers that all reinforce the central message Proud to be African. Their core merchandise are T-Shirts, hoodies,sweatshirts, polo shirts, baby grows, children’s T shirts, and children’s hoodies with several distinctive logos and slogans such as Proud to be African, Born in the UK Made in Africa, Proud to be Nigerian, Born in the UK Made in Jamaica etc.

The uniqueness of their brand comes from the fact that they produce good quality, affordable urban wear with a positive African message.Their slogans and logos are very distinctive and seek to simply reinforce African pride in the diaspora
Trading since 2010, their Head Office is based in London United Kingdom but their clothes are available to order online via their online store and deliver worldwide. In a brief chat with Chidi, he shares his thoughts on business and a day in the life of a CEO

What’s a typical day like for you?

A typical day generally involves checking the email for orders, posting them, updating the website, and blog, checking Facebook and Twitter and updating them as well. And then generally attending events either markets, cultural or music events or networking events in the evenings. All this and a full time job as well

How do you motivate yourself and stay motivated?

As an African, doing something like this to promote Africa is motivation enough, however the universally positive reaction I get at events or from customers is always cheering and keeps you going when you’ve been at it non stop

Who are your role models in the business?
I have no role models in this particular line of business as I am not really from the fashion industry but in terms of business and work in general, I would cite my parents as they were typical hard working African professionals and instilled in myself and my siblings a work ethic and a strong self belief

If you had to start over from scratch, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

I would stick to my initial budgets and planning cycles!!

What factors do you feel are a threat to your business? and how are you handling them?
The biggest threat ironically are large stores like Primark and TK Maxx who sell items at discounts. This means that in the geographical areas I am targeting, stall holders are forced to compete on those terms i.e. selling 3 T shirts for £5.00 or so, meaning its difficult to get stockists in predominantly African or black areas. To counter this I am aiming for boutiques and fashion houses catering to African customers or African fashion. Although my product is decidedly not high fashion it is of high enough quality to sit comfortably in fashionable establishments as an extra item

What’s the most important business discovery you’ve made in the past year?

It is is very easy to be a creditor and hard to be a debtor!!!

What’s an accomplishment that you are proudest of?

In terms of the business, ensuring 100% customer satisfaction

How do you integrate your personal and professional life?

By turning my house into a warehouse!!!

How do you unwind after a hectic day?

Watch TV and then sleep

What advice would you give to those who are new to the world of business or who are looking to start a new business?

Write a plan, try as much as possible to test it, subject it to independent scrutiny, rewrite it, test and then start. But be flexible and ready to react to anything

In your opinion what’s the formula for success?

Hard work, a good idea and the means to implement it

What are your future plans for your company?

I hope to expand to the US and EU essentially following the African diaspora in terms of customers and eventually move production back to Nigeria

To view the full Proud to be African Collection visit
Check out latest updates on Facebook and their blog

Public Relations vs Advertising

For us this a topic that is highly debated in the office because these are services we offer to clients they both do the same thing but in different ways.

PR is more personable and informative. It gives your targeted consumers an insight into your business, your ethos and its aims and objectives. PR covers things such as Press Releases, Press Conferences, Merchandise giveaways Events, etc. 

Someone can come to your business launch event and know instantly whether they will buy into your company, because they are seeing what your offering first hand.

PR can also hinder your business if it's not done right whereas Adverts leave more to the imagination. 

Adverts, whether they are placed online, in publications or even on the radio gives you limited space to share so much information. Though it reaches a large target audience, a lot of factors go in to the price. 
Size - most ad spaces that are online or published are measured by centimeters or by the divisions of an A4 page. The more space you want the more money it is to feature.

Campaigns - now you have the advert up, how long the host publishes for is another factor that affects the price. 

Wherever your advert features, whether its on a blog, newspaper, billboard or in a magazine the prices will vary.

Having heard both which would you think is cheaper?

PR is actually cheaper than Advertising. With PR you can write your own press release and send them to editors. If it's interesting they will publish it because they feel it's something their readers would want to read about.
Broadcasting your event on social media outlets, and printing flyers can also draw the attention of your desired audience on a large scale.

Advertising also has its advantages if you want your consumers or potential clients to know about a specific product or service that you're offering or if you're running a promotion that you need the masses to know about then advertising is perfect; because the text will be simple, with catchy phrases that get straight to the point whilst convey the message you desire.

Both things are essential to your business, what you need to determine is which marketing strategy best works for product/service at that given time.