Delegation Vs. Dictation - What impact does your Management Style have on your team

There are different types of leadership positions within an organisation. There are team leaders who are usually employees who have stood out from their team members as a key talent and also demonstrated good leadership skills. A Manager would normally appoint this person to be their second-in-command to manage the general day-to-day operations of the team whilst they focus on the general management side.

Then you have the Department Heads, Regional Managers and Directors whose roles are more strategic. Their objectives are mainly focused on business processes and consumer growth. Regardless of your hierarchy as a manager, you are in-charge of a team of people and responsible for their productivity.

When it comes to Delegation and Dictation, there is a thin line, so what I'm asking is 

"Where do you draw the line to differentiate the two?"

One style of management encourages communication, explores possibilities and promotes team work; Whilst the other is authoritative, and derogatory that causes tension and isolation.

Delegation is successful when every team member understands the common objective. As a manager, it is your responsibility to enlighten them on current/upcoming projects, new products/services, and also any directives coming from senior management. This not only brings about the sense of belonging as a part of a team, it also provides a platform for employees to share their own ideas on how to achieve it. By enlightening your team on the bigger picture, you are nurturing team work and a sense of ownership. So as you delegate responsibilities, they would be welcomed seamlessly with the objective and knowledge that "teamwork makes the dream work!"

Dictation on the other hand is more harsh in reality;

Telling your team what to do with no explanation only gives you half-hearted respect as a manager but with little or no commitment to the job. This can result in employees lacking motivation and sooner or later, they will start looking for other career opportunities. When you look at application forms and you get to the section that asks why you left/leaving your job, or in an interview when discussing with a candidate, you'd be amazed at how many people mention that it was their superior's people management style that is part of their reason for leaving.

Dictation conveys a "master and slave" environment within a team, because there is no communication. It's usually the manager talking and the other just nodding, accepting what's being said and following instructions just to please because at this point they're more concerned about getting paid at the end of each month and have lacked the passion and drive they once had.

In such cases where dictation is evident, as a manager you may find yourself questioning your team's loyalty to you, and/or the organisation as a whole is in tact. This creates paranoia and isolation, and the person who usually gets isolated is the manager who has shut themselves out from their team due to poor people management skills.

So the question is... "How do I manage my team successfully?"

You need to find a balance! Firstly you need to understand your team, their needs, strengths and weaknesses. From this you will be able to able to determine how best to manage them, In every team, there are personalities that reoccur in every organisation.

You have the social butterfly, an individual who gets on with everybody and always willing to lend a helping hand. Then there is the quiet one that likes to just get on with tasks and is not as sociable, then there is the analyst who likes to ask a lot of questions and likes to go above and beyond the call of duty,

Each of these characters have their own management style that can work to your advantage. Focus on the social butterfly, she/he is your team leader who has their eyes closer to the ground. This employee will know everyone's concerns, and be able to help in ensuring that everyone is in sync to the business objectives.

The analytical employee doesn't need micro-managing once they have all their questions asked and the resources they need, they just get on with it. The employee who is usually quiet and gets on with tasks may need you to just check in on them, not to undermine their ability but to show that you're always available should they need you

Understanding your diverse team and catering to each of their needs will make you an excellent manager who delegates instead of dictates.

Creating your people management style, stems from the hiring process. Identify talent that has management experience or the attributes to grow into a management position through training and on-the-job exposure so that when you are designing and establishing your succession plan, it would be a seamless process to delegate authority while you concentrate on other business development and strategic planning activities.