Why is it that the interview process for certain jobs make you feel as though your applying to work for the FBI (for those who don't know FBI is Federal Bureau Investigation lol)? Without discrediting some organisations especially those that fall under the Public Sector, Financial Institutions, or the global corporations that we know are household names there really is no need to drag it out.
You get that first call from the organisation, they go through the whole telephone vetting script, ask you to talk about yourself, your experience, and why you have applied for the position then they turn around and say they want to schedule you in for a TELEPHONE INTERVIEW ARRRGH! What for???? you've just kept me on the phone for 45 minutes what else could you possibly want to know after that????Ok, because you like the job and you were flowing with the interviewer, felt you built up a great rapport you agree to the scheduled telephone interview only for the telephone interview to come and you cover over the SAME things you did in the initial call with was another 45 mins to an hour after the call they tell you they wnat to invite you in for a face to face interview immediately you'll think
"yep!after that its a done deal if i'm successful at the face to face interview i've got the job"....... Unfortunately it doesn't end there, when you arrive for the face to face interview, you'll feel like your doing speed dating one interviewer will come in for the initial Q&A session he/she will then go out and grab another interviewer she/he will come in another Q&A session by the time they are done they tell you they want to progress you to second stage interview after 2 HOURS of Q&A, which will be with the MD by that time you're worn out.
You come back at a later date to see the MD you would have thought the MD would have been briefed about you, your experience etc, but noooooo your going through it AGAIN!
He then tells you one or two things
1. We have other people to see so we will be in touch by the end of the week
2. We'll get back to you when there isn't a specific time DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH!!!!
Transquisite's Final Thought
"Get straight to the point make the interview process clear, concise ands less painful and you'll hire a lot quicker!"
Like I mentioned earlier, the more you write, the better you become. A lot out there will pick something from this. A nice one.