Business Branding - Your Brand, YOUR Image!

For any company small,medium, or large; Branding is very important. It is actually more important than the product or service that your selling. If people don't 'buy' into your brand then they won't engage in your services. 

Imagery is very important it captures ones' attention and if done right can leave a lasting memory so when it's spotted again, you have successfully achieved one aspect of branding and that's called Brand Recognition.

The thing is, the more your brand is publicised, the more recognisable it will be. Being publicised doesn't mean any media opportunity that comes your way, you should take advantage of it. It has to be strategic and of relevance to your industry, product and/or service. This validates your authenticity as a brand and gives your consumers the confidence to do business with you. 

How do people 'buy' into my brand?

The term 'buy' really means; Do people believe in your business? your expertise? Do they feel the services/product you provide is value for money? Value for money doesn't just stand for the price you pay but also for  the quality of the service/product your selling.
How do you represent your empire’s ambitions in a few words and a logo?  Here are few tips on how to create your own brand 

Core values and aims

This is a difficult problem to begin with, but the first step is to think about what your business wants to achieve, and how it wants to achieve it. If you have created a business plan already, this will help.

Think laterally. Understand your market and unique selling points, this can help inform your brand, for example if you are providing finance for small businesses: “Flexible working capital finance
- on the best terms.” Once you’ve settled on what your business is and what it stands for, apply them to all areas of your work.


Obviously the logo is an integral part of your brand, it is the first stop for brand recognition and so needs to be memorable. You need to have a strong, balanced image that is distinctive and bold in design; a crisp look, no clutter. If your logo has graphic imagery it must look appropriate for your business i.e. communicates what you do and works well with your company name. The logo should work in colour or monochrome.

Consult a professional

So you have an idea about what you want your branding to look like, but unless you’re a designer yourself you should seek help. A one-off logo design won’t cost you much at all, and even a lengthier branding discussion with an expert is a worthwhile investment. 

Getting your visual identity spot-on is vital. Working with a professional will allow you to keep control but also allow you to concentrate on running your business as well. Using a professional is particularly useful when producing branding for all different areas of your brand (see next point.)

Universal brand coverage

Your branding must be uniform across every area of your business, it has to be consistent. From your Google adwords advert campaigns to your social media pages like Twitter and Facebook, your colour schemes, message and logo must be the same. Your company blog should keep a similar tone to your business, the objective of your brand is to be recognised regardless of the various mediums i.e Social Network, Print Advertising etc. 

Consult your colleagues

It is always worth consulting your other work colleagues or an outside party; they can give a fresh approach and un-biased opinion to what your business stands for. This is also good for team morale; including your employees in the decision making process gives them a greater investment in the business and will nurture stronger team unity.

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